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Free 20 Websites Giveaway Every Month
Apply Now

To Commemorate the
20h Anniversary of
Industrial Guide Asia (IIGA)

We are feeling rather nostalgia and grateful from how far we have come to be.
20 years ago, we pack our bags , left Singapore to Malaysia and started the Automation Guide, thereafter, progress and now name as Industrial Guide Asia , rooting in 3 more countries, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and back to Singapore finally. IIGA has thus travel far all over Asia, Middle East, Europe and part of America.
We have come this far from a Printed Directory with an old php site, then to magazine, and now we have a brand-new Industrial Marketplace , a No Code Industrial News Reporting site and Virtual Industrial Workshop learning from the Industrial experts.

Running a Directory Business is like Sponging

Absorbing all kinds of information from all directions. To that, we can tell how new businesses, start up , consultancy or even that very old factory can either make a very good first impression or none. Now that our directory become a marketplace, it is so much easier to study the behaviour of users/ buyers before they decide to reach out to any of those e-shops we have out there.
From our research with more than 600,000+++ IIGA users, only around 10% of audiences are willing to contact or buy from those without an actual website but with Social Media.

We conclude that a website is indeed important because it helps to establish credibility of a business. A website not only gives credibility, but it also helps to give a positive impression that your company is professional ,bigger and more successful. It spells like this
Credibility, Branding, Leads, Organic Traffic, Building Relationship and more!

And we want you to have your foundation build firm and strong!

And to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Industrial Guide Asia, we are giving out 20 FREE WEBSITE monthly.
Free website comes with
free design
All Design are free, you will be able to choose from our good list of templates
secure ssl
Secure SSL
certificates securing your site
no ads icon
Ads Free
Noads from us or from others, this site is yours and for yourself
cloud icon
Automatic Backups
& Updates
Yoursite will always be safe and up to date
email icon
No Free Email
You must purchase a corporate email from google or simply use a free webmail
responsive icon
Responsive site
Site is responsive and will naturally adjust itself to any device: laptops, tablets, phones - even wearables like smartwatches and Oculus.
seo icon
SEO Optimised
Increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website 
host icon
free Hosting
Moresavings with no hosting subscription
domain icon
Free Domain
Free Domain park under This, you will not have to come out with asingle cents for your new website

What is the Catch?

If you decided to buy your own Domain and Hosting from our Affiliates, that means we can get a cup of organic tea with 2 macarons , that is entirely not an obligation
When you do have a bigger project, and you think about us, and if we can help,
yea we shall talk further from there.
The real catch is that ALL our sites are No Code Require , that means you too can manage them in long run when it is park under your hosting and domain. Of course we will teach you how to do it. Cutting out the job of a developer means you need to pick up skills on your own. This means pure FREEDOM!
happy people

How to Apply

Step 01

Fill up this form and be ready to tell us why is this important to you and what do you want to achieve and how you foresee this can be help.

Step 02
Choose a template

When your project is chosen , we will email and be in touch with you to get pictures, logo and all those contents that you want to put in your site. Yes, we have templates you can choose from and we always strive to hands this up to you within 2 weeks of time


*Please do take note that we want to minimise any changes to 1 time.
*We will review your application within 2 days

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